Facebook Referral Bonus

- Facebook Referral Bonus Offer
- Facebook Referral Bonus Rewards
- Facebook Referral Bonus
- Facebook Referral Bonus Program
We’ve all been reeled in with a fun slogan. It’s what brands use to catch someone’s eye and make them think for a second. It’s also what a simple association that helps people connect with a brand.
Similarly, a referral slogan can do the same thing. Though it’s not a slogan that represents the brand as a whole, like the ones mentioned above. But, it does reel customers to participate in a referral program, and it gives the program a
What is a referral slogan?
Facebook Referral Bonus Offer
You may be more familiar with the term referral headline or catchphrase. A referral slogan is simply the phrase or quote used to explain the benefits of joining a program.
It’s typically the catchphrase used to pique interest in your program. For example, you may just use the referral slogan when promoting the program via email or online. This slogan is usually what drives people to your program landing page where they can then read more information about the program and sign up. It’s also catchy referral sayings that will keep word of mouth flowing.
Referral bonuses to employees not primarily engaged in recruiting activities (subject to additional criteria). 1 The label assigned to the bonus and the reason for the bonus do not conclusively determine whether the bonus is discretionary. Refer-a-Friend Bonus Once you’ve become a BlockFi customer, you are eligible for their referral program. For every person that signs up using your BlockFi referral code and deposits $100 or more into their BlockFi Interest Account, you and that friend will each earn $10 in BTC. Get more from a personalized relationship with a dedicated banker to help you manage your everyday banking needs and a J.P. Morgan Financial Advisor who will develop a customized investment strategy. Upgrade or open a new Chase Private Client Checking account now and enjoy a bonus offer. If you decide to go with traditional, cash employee referral bonuses, here is what you need to know: Generally, the value of cash employee referral bonus ranges from $250 for entry-level positions to more than $25,000 for top executives. (Source: Worldatwork) 69% of companies offer cash employee referral bonuses that fall between $1,000 - $5,000.
Why you need a catchy referral slogan
This is your chance to gain attention and get people interested in your referral program (and any good referral marketing guide will touch on this). Your slogan acts as a tell-all for you. It can give someone the general idea of what’s expected and what someone will get out of it.
You’ll likely want to promote your referral program everywhere you can. But, you most likely don’t want to talk about it in-depth in your promotions. The referral slogan can help you cover the main points of your program, without overwhelming viewers.
You’re likely to see a referral slogan used in these scenarios followed by a CTA to the signup page…
- In an email
- Shared by the brand on social media
- On the main homepage
- As an ad
If you think about it, the referral slogan is what will help your word of mouth increase. As it’s the catchy phrase that will help encourage people to sign up for your program and share you!
Components of a referral slogan
Now that you understand what a referral slogan is, you should know the components that make it up. Keep in mind that these types of slogans are relatively short. However, they are usually packed with information.
Part 1: Explains the incentive
If a referral program offers an incentive, you’ll likely see it in the slogan. When people see the dollar signs or the word free, they are instantly intrigued.
Part 2: Discusses how to achieve the incentive
If the incentive is listed, you’ll likely state how to earn it. One word alone can cover this component, for example, “give” or “share”.
Part 3 (optional): Covers the reason for the referral program
This one isn’t used quite as much, but when there is no incentive or the business wants to spin away from traditional slogans, you’ll see this component used. It usually helps explain why the person should refer, “Don’t keep us a secret”, or “Be a hero”, etc. are used in this sense. These types of statements can be added and combined with the parts mentioned above to create an insightful slogan that packs a punch.
Here are some fun referral slogans to try
Let’s dive into some slogans to see everything we have mentioned put into action.
Flashing the reward
One of the most common types of referral slogan used. Those that take about the reward really get people’s attention. Why? Because people want to know right away whether joining and sharing is worth their time.
In the example above, the Colourpop referral program uses a simple 4-word slogan. It covers the incentive and how to get it.
Here are other referral slogans that follow the same strategy.
- Share $10, earn $15 for yourself!
- Give $100, get $100 for yourself
- Share with your friends and get $10
- Want $25? Share now
- You want $50? Give $50 first
- Get $25 when you share with a friend
- Earn $10 now
- Earn points
- Get cash for sharing
- Share $75 with a friend, get $75 for yourself
- Invite friends. Get $20.
- Spread the love, and get $30 when your friend signs up
- Call on your friends, and you both can earn $10
- Spread the word for $25
Driving with a feel-good motive
Sometimes you’ll see a brand use some extra fluffy words that act as a friendly PSA. These feel-good words help motivate people to share. You’ll find for the most part the message drives itself so stating the incentive doesn’t matter.
Shipt’s referral slogan uses the power of love to drive the message. It is then followed by a descriptive text that further explains the program and benefits. But the catchy slogan does a great job at piquing interest on its own.
Here are some more slogans that follow the same strategy.
- Refer & Earn. Share. Get Paid. Repeat!
- Reward Your Friends
- Refer and You Shall Receive
- Help us, help you
- Want to help each other out?
- Do it for your friends!
- Here’s an easy way to show you care
- This is just our way of saying thanks
- Spread the love
- Let us know those you know
- Be part of the team and share
- Have friends?
- They win and you win, it’s a win-win
- It pays to have friends
- You know you love us, your friends will too
Calling all freebies
Sometimes an easy way to gain attention is to use the word free. If your incentive offers something free, you may want to use it as a driver in your referral slogan. That little word really does get people amped.
Take Dropbox’s referral program, for example. They have one of the most well-known programs in town. And all they offer is a little bit more free space for people to store their files. It’s what people want, and it really works. Similarly, Uber gives out free ride credit, which in most cases means they offer a free ride, and their program is equally as popular.
Here are some other slogan ideas that follow that same rule.
- Invite your friends and earn a free ride
- Share for free shipping
- Earn free socks by sharing with your friends
- Share now and get a free mascara
- Get a free month on your subscription now
- Share for freebies
- Earn a free turn by sharing
- Get an extra raffle ticket by telling your friends
- Let your friends make you money
- Unleash your power and earn a free night’s stay
- Make free money via your friends
Facebook Referral Bonus Rewards
As you can see, you can grab someone’s attention in a variety of ways and that it’s an important factor in the health of your program. If you use the right driving force for an effective referral program, you might just get the referral traffic you’ve been dreaming of.
The trick is to play around with it to find that sweet spot. You may want to try using your incentive as the driving factor. If that doesn’t work, you may want to try switching up the headline to use more feel-good words. Which referral sayings catch your eye?

December 2019 (PDF)
This fact sheet provides general information regarding bonuses and the regular rate of pay under the FLSA for non-exempt employees. For information regarding nondiscretionary bonuses and employees employed as executive, administrative, professional, or outside sales employees, who are exempt from the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime requirements, see Fact Sheet #17U.
The FLSA requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at not less than time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. Fact Sheet #22 provides general information about determining hours worked.
The amount of overtime pay due to an employee is based on the employee’s regular rate of pay and the number of hours worked in a workweek regardless of whether the employee is paid on a piece rate, day rate, commission, or a salary basis. Fact Sheet #23 provides additional information regarding overtime pay.
A bonus is a payment made in addition to the employee’s regular earnings. Under the FLSA, all compensation for hours worked, services rendered, or performance is included in the regular rate of pay. The Act provides an exhaustive list of payments that may be excluded from the regular rate of pay. Specifically, 29 U.S.C. §§ 207(e)(1) and (3) contain statutory provisions which address the excludability of certain bonuses. Unless specifically noted, payments that are excluded from the regular rate may not be credited towards overtime compensation due under the FLSA. Information regarding additional exclusions from the regular rate is available in Fact Sheet #56A.
Discretionary Bonuses
Discretionary bonuses are excludable from the regular rate of pay. A bonus is discretionary only if all the statutory requirements are met:
- The employer has the sole discretion, until at or near the end of the period that corresponds to the bonus, to determine whether to pay the bonus;
- The employer has the sole discretion, until at or near the end of the period that corresponds to the bonus, to determine the amount of the bonus; and
- The bonus payment is not made according to any prior contract, agreement, or promise causing an employee to expect such payments regularly.
Examples of some common bonuses that may be excludable discretionary bonuses if they meet the statutory requirements include:
- Bonuses for overcoming a challenging or stressful situation;
- Bonuses to employees who made unique or extraordinary efforts not awarded according to pre-established criteria;
- Employee-of-the-month bonuses;
- Severance bonuses; and
- Referral bonuses to employees not primarily engaged in recruiting activities (subject to additional criteria).[1]
The label assigned to the bonus and the reason for the bonus do not conclusively determine whether the bonus is discretionary. While a bonus may be labeled discretionary, if it does not comply with the provisions of the statute, then the bonus is not an excludable discretionary bonus. The determination must be made on a case-by-case basis depending on the specific circumstances.
A discretionary bonus may not be credited towards overtime compensation due under the FLSA.
Nondiscretionary Bonuses
A nondiscretionary bonus is a bonus that fails to meet the statutory requirements of a discretionary bonus. Nondiscretionary bonuses are included in the regular rate of pay, unless they qualify as excludable under another statutory provision (see below).
Examples of nondiscretionary bonuses that must be included in the regular rate include:
- Bonuses based on a predetermined formula, such as individual or group production bonuses;
- Bonuses for quality and accuracy of work;
- Bonuses announced to employees to induce them to work more efficiently;
- Attendance bonuses; and
- Safety bonuses (i.e., number of days without safety incidents).
Such bonuses are nondiscretionary because the employees know about and expect the bonus. The understanding of how an employee earns one may lead to an expectation to receive the bonus regularly. The fact that the employer has the option not to pay the promised bonus does not make the bonus discretionary.
Gifts and payments in the nature of gifts on special occasions
Sums paid as gifts and payments in the nature of gifts made on holidays or on other special occasions as a reward for service may be excluded from the regular rate, provided the amounts of the gifts (or payments) are not measured by or dependent on hours worked, production, or efficiency.
Certain longevity bonuses are excludable from the regular rate as gifts when given as a reward for service or tenure and provided the bonus payments are not made pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement or a city ordinance or policy.[2]
Sign-on bonuses given to employees with or without clawback provisions may be excluded as gifts or may be excluded under 29 U.S.C. § 207(e)(2) as other payments that are not compensation for hours of employment, or otherwise tied to quality or quantity of work performed. However, sign-on bonuses paid pursuant to a CBA, ordinance, or policy with a clawback provision may not be excluded as a gift and must be included in the regular rate.
Calculating Overtime Pay Based on the Regular Rate
Overtime pay is calculated based only on payments to the employee that are required to be included in the regular rate of pay. The following steps can be used to calculate the regular rate of pay and overtime compensation due when the employee is paid on an hourly, piece rate, day rate, job rate, commission, or salary basis.
Step 1: Total compensation for the week (except the statutory exclusions) ÷ Total hours worked in the week = Regular Rate per hour for the week (must be at least the federal minimum wage)
Step 2: Regular Rate x (.5) = Half-time premium for each overtime hour (note the straight time for the overtime hours is included in Step 1)
Step 3: Half-time premium pay rate x Overtime hours = Overtime compensation due
Example A: Nondiscretionary bonus
A non-exempt employee is paid $10.00 per hour and receives a $50.00 bonus in a particular week that was promised for helping to produce a special order for a customer two weeks earlier than previously scheduled. The employee worked 43 hours that week. The following is an example of how to compute overtime pay based on the employee’s regular rate:
$10.00 per hour x 43hours = $430.00 (total compensation for straight time)
Facebook Referral Bonus
$430.00 + $50.00 (bonus) = $480.00 (total compensation)
$480.00 ÷ 43 hours = $11.16 (regular rate)
$11.16 x .5 = $5.58 (half time premium pay rate)
$5.58 x 3 overtime hours = $16.74 (overtime pay due)
$480.00 + $16.74 = $496.74. (total due)
Example B: Shift differential plus nondiscretionary bonus
A non-exempt employee is paid $15.00 per hour plus an evening shift differential of $1.00 per hour for all hours worked during an evening shift. The employee worked 45 hours, 30 of which were during evening shifts, in a week. The employee also earned a $100.00 bonus that week that was promised for helping to produce a special order for a customer two weeks earlier than previously scheduled. The following is an example of how to compute overtime pay based on the employee’s regular rate:
$15 per hour x 45 hours = $675 (compensation for straight time at $15 hourly rate)
$1.00 x 30 hours = $30 (shift differential for the evening shifts)
$675 + $30 (shift differential) + $100 (bonus) = $805 (total compensation)
$805 ÷ 45 = $17.89 (regular rate)
$17.89 x .5 = $8.95 (half time premium pay rate)
$8.95 x 5 overtime hours = $44.75 (overtime pay due)
$805 + $44.75 = $849.75 (total due)
Example C: Nondiscretionary bonus and an excludable discretionary bonus

A non-exempt employee is paid $10.00 per hour and receives a $50.00 bonus that was promised in a particular week for helping to produce a special order for a customer two weeks earlier than previously scheduled. The employee also receives a $25.00 on-the-spot bonus that week (because it was not preannounced to the employee, it is an excludable discretionary bonus). The employee worked 43 hours that week. The following is an example of how to compute overtime pay based on the employee’s regular rate:
Facebook Referral Bonus Program
$10.00 per hour x 43 hours = $430.00 (total compensation for straight time)
$430.00 + $50.00 (excludes $25.00 discretionary bonus) = $480.00 (total compensation)
$480.00 ÷ 43 hours = $11.16 (regular rate)
$11.16 x .5 = $5.58 (half time premium pay rate)
$5.58 x 3 overtime hours = $16.74 (overtime pay due)
$480.00 + $16.74 +$25.00 (discretionary bonus) = $521.74 (total due)
Where to Obtain Additional Information
For additional information, visit our Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call our toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866- 4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).
When the state laws differ from the federal FLSA, an employer must comply with the standard most protective to employees. Links to your state labor department can be found at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/contacts.
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
[1] Referral bonuses may be discretionary, provided the following criteria are met: (1) employee participation is strictly voluntary; (2) the employee’s recruitment efforts do not involve significant time; and (3) the activity is limited to after-hours solicitation done only among friends, relatives, neighbors and acquaintances as part of the employee’s social affairs.
[2] Like all excludable gifts, a longevity or sign-on bonus is an excludable gift only if the bonus payment is not paid pursuant to a contract and is not so substantial that it can be assumed that employees consider it a part of the wages for which they work.