Great Bets To Make With A Girl
I bet you've lost a bet at some point in your life. But the price you had to pay probably wasn't as big as for the people included in this list. Bored Panda has compiled a series of unfortunate gamblers in the middle of their redemption, and the photos are so funny and embarrassing, you'll think twice about entering a wager next time. Trying to figure what the best questions to ask the girl you like can get pretty frustrating. There are a billion different things to ask or talk about, but we’ve decided to make it simple for you by setting up a list that will put you on the right path. Make it easy to talk and keep a deep conversation flowing, gentleman.
It’s cold, it’s chilly, it’s November.
That’s why was strange when my friend Jenn was dropping her daughter off at school last week and noticed a student wearing shorts. “Wait, it’s freezing out,” she said to her daughter while zipping up her jacket and pulling her hat over her head. “Does that kid have Hot Leg Syndrome or something?”
“Nah,” her daughter replied, pulling her backpack on and climbing out the door. “He just has a bet going with another kid about who can keep wearing shorts the longest.”
I laughed when she told me this story because it reminded me of my college days when crazy bets were standard. I bet my roommate Dee a dollar he wouldn’t eat a nacho chip covered in Crisco (I lost), I entered a Sideburn-Off on who could grow the scraggliest muttonchops in a month (I lost), and I bet my friend Gillian she wouldn’t race around our cafeteria at full throttle and slide headfirst into our punnily-named drink station “Thirst Base.” (I lost, and thankfully the chocolate milk on tap wasn’t harmed.)
None of these bets made sense but they somehow made sense at the time.
The best crazy bets are like that.
Because we aren’t here forever and crazy bets add laughs to our days and our weeks. So what are you waiting for, betting geeks? It’s time to shake hands and enter a Beard-Off, it’s time to drop five on who’ll catch the kickoff, it’s time to steel your gaze for the Staring Contest Standoff. Yes, it’s time spin in circles fifty times the fastest, it’s time to see who’s after-dinner burp can be the nastiest, yes it’s time to tell the naysayers that crazy bets aren’t dumb, because it’s time for us all to recognize they’re part of the World Of
Hello, Toronto! I’ll be touring the neighborhood all next week for The Book of (Holiday) Awesome launch. Hope to see you November 14th at Indigo Bay/Bloor, November 16th at Chapters Brampton, or November 19th at Chapters Oshawa!
If a guy doesn’t know how to start sexting a girl, one of two things is likely to happen.
Either he’ll never try it, and therefore miss out on the crucial and exhilarating process of escalating with a girl, or he’ll have a much more difficult time of engaging the women in his life.
If you want to know how to start sexting a girl in a way that will get her engaged and excited, here is a crash course.
How to Start Sexting: Setting the Tone
Stating your sexual desires completely out of the blue isn’t a great technique for how to start sexting a girl as it can catch her off-guard. Rather than looking to just start sexting out of nowhere, it’s often a good idea to set a casual, authentic sexual tone that will allow sexting to arise naturally.
A great way to steer the conversation in a sexual direction without being too crass is through misinterpretation. Interpret what she says in a way that makes it appear as though she is trying to seduce you. She’s the one being sexually suggestive while you’re just there having an innocent conversation. Doing this brings the sexual tension into the interaction while keeping it fun and playful. This gives you a foundation to build sexual tension to the point where sexting becomes inevitable.
For example, if the girl asks if you want to meet for a drink, you can playfully tease her about how she’s obviously trying to get you drunk so she can take advantage of you. That kind of playfulness goes a long way and kicks off a rapport that gives her freedom to express herself sexually.
More Tension-Building Techniques
It might seem a little strange to be teaching how to start sexting a girl. Shouldn’t that sort of thing just happen organically? Misinterpretation isn’t the only way to playfully build sexual tension over text. Sexual innuendo (changing the meaning of what she says to make it sound sexual) is also a great tool to use in your texts to women. It’s fun and easy and leads to a great back-and-forth exchange where you are both playful and sexual.
Another easy way to casually infuse sex into your conversation is the “let’s do it” text. If she texts you something like “Want to go to a show at 6?” you can respond with “Let’s do it. Go to the show, I mean… not sex. Not yet :)” A playful text like this helps her to see you as a sexual being without you coming on too strong.
Be Bold
If you want to learn how to start sexting a girl, you need to learn to build sexual tension playfully. And while flirting is great, at a certain point you’ll have to dive in and really own and express your sexual desires.
When the moment is right — and you’ll know when you can cross this exciting line — you can and should tell her what you’re thinking, feeling, and wanting. Doing this can feel edgy for many of guys, but it’s necessary to take that risk. Otherwise, you’ll never see much – if any – change in the way you text women.

To help you take those risks, keep in mind that it’s perfectly acceptable to make mistakes. You may say something now and then that doesn’t land well (I discuss how to recover from that below). That’s to be expected to allow yourself room to slip up and don’t be too hard on yourself when you do.
And always remember, the more risks you take, the better. Your calibration will be for future texts. Plus, you never know when that risky text will be the one that sends her over the edge and really turn her on.
[xyz-ihs snippet=”Accelerator-General”]Sharing Your Fantasies

Want a woman to share her sexual fantasies with you? Want her to tell you all the things she imagines you doing to her? To get her to open up in this way she first needs to feel safe doing so. And the way to help her feel safe is to open up and share your own fantasies and desires first — thereby paving the way for her to join you.
Once the conversation has taken a more sexual turn you can begin to share the kind of dirty thoughts you have about her. Use descriptive language as you do this. Take it slow, allowing the tension to build gradually, and don’t shy away from the little details (the thoughts and feelings going on as you imagine yourself peeling her shirt off, the way you imagine her reacting, the parts of her body that draw your attention and excite you, and all the other things you imagine doing with her…) There is a classy and safe way to do this while still indulging in a sexual exchange, especially if you’re not sure how to start sexting a girl.
By going first and sharing your own sexual fantasies and desires, you show it’s safe for her to do the same. She won’t feel as timid about opening up since you were willing to be vulnerable first.
What if She Doesn’t Play Along?
Don’t worry. As we’ve said, there may be occasions when the girl isn’t really into what you’re saying and may even become upset by it. If this happens, don’t worry. Recovering from a miscalculation like this is easy.
If she doesn’t like the direction you took things simply acknowledge how she feels and move on. You want to be empathetic towards her feelings without getting too wrapped up in them. If you start to freak out and act like it was a big deal, then it validates the thought that it was a big deal. If you brush it off like it was just a little mistake and not worth stressing over, then she’ll be more likely to see it that way, too.
So if she gets upset, respond with a simple “I’m sorry if that upset you, you just really turn me on is all.” Who knows — she just might respond to your candor. If not, then you can just change the subject and move on. Don’t let the possibility of miscalculating deter you. If you remain honest and respectful, there’s always a smooth dismount.
The Sexting Mindset
A lot of the hesitation guys have about sexting comes from a fear of being seen as gross or creepy when expressing their sexual interest. To avoid coming across in that way it’s important to maintain the proper mindset when you are sexting a girl.
First, remember that this isn’t just about you. There is an amazing, beautiful woman on the other end of these texts. So get in touch with that sense of awe and appreciation for the woman you’re texting. This will naturally keep you away from comments that are too crude or disrespectful. Setting the right tone is crucial if you’re teaching yourself how to start sexting a girl.
Great Bets To Make With A Girlfriend
Second, tap into that raw, animalistic desire you have for this woman and let that seep out in your texts. When a woman is attracted to you she will want to see that side of you. Instead of overthinking it and trying to text exactly what you think she wants to hear, simply express how you feel and what she inspires within you. Take ownership of those feelings and don’t ever feel you need to apologize for finding her sexy.
Good Bets To Do With A Girl
The combination of these two mindsets will help a woman feel both respected and turned on and will go a long way in getting her excited to sext with you.